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Keeping Fido Cool

July 1, 2023

Summers in New Mexico can be brutally hot, with temps in some parts of the state climbing over 100. Here in the Roswell area, the average summer temps are usually in the 90’s. That’s definitely warm enough to make overheating a huge concern for pet owners. A local Ruidoso, NM vet offers some ways to help your pooch beat the heat in this article.


The most important thing for you to do is make sure Fido always has clean water. You may want to set out extra water stations. If your canine pal has a yard to play in, keep water available out there as well. Change it frequently, as wild animals could drink from it or, in the case of toads, even sit in it. This poses a risk of contamination. Also, bring water along anytime you take your furry friend off your property. Consider getting a small cooler for the back of your car, and keeping a few gallons in it at all times.

Cold Snacks

Ice cream may very well be the most popular summer snack, and with good reason. It is a perfect treat for a sweltering day! You can buy ice cream made just for Fido. That will definitely get your furry pal’s cute tail going!


Grooming can also make a difference. Brushing and bathing Fido will remove dead fur and dander from his coat, which will help him stay cooler. Don’t forget about those paws! Hot tar and asphalt can cause painful burns and blisters. Use paw wax to protect those furry feet.


Fido should always have access to shade and/or rooms cooled by fans or air conditioners. In summer, keep him indoors, in climate-controlled areas, during the hottest part of the day. You can also erect a small shade canopy in your yard.

Cooling Mats

Cooling mats can also help keep your canine companion comfy when temperatures soar. Look at different options before purchasing one. Make sure to get Fido’s measurements! 

Elevated Beds

Elevated beds stay cooler than regular beds, because they allow air to flow beneath them. (This is why hammocks are so popular on tropical islands.) These are also a good bet for heavier dogs, as they offer great support.

As your local Ruidoso, NM animal clinic, we are dedicated to offering top notch veterinary care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!