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Kitten Care Tips

June 15, 2023

Adopting a kitten can be fun, exciting, and is definitely a life changer for both you and your new pet. Baby cats are absolutely adorable! They’re also curious, clumsy, and fragile. You’re going to have some pet parenting to do over the next several months. A Ruidoso, NM vet offers some tips on keeping little Fluffy happy, healthy, and safe in this article.


Kittens may be small, but their capacity for getting into mischief is enormous. Little Fluffy will want to explore and investigate every inch of her new kingdom, and investigate everything in it, to determine what she can and can’t eat, play with, or sleep on. 

Remove or secure anything that isn’t safe for your tiny ball of curiosity. That includes things like toxic plants, wires and cords, small or sharp objects, plastic bags and ties, chemicals, and medication. You’ll also want to block off small openings, and make sure your windows and doors close securely. Don’t leave toilets or dryers open, either. Keeping your pint-sized pet safe also entails keeping an eye on her. Always check little Fluffy’s whereabouts before sitting down in recliners or couches. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Another thing on the agenda? Teaching your feline buddy proper manners. Don’t let little Fluffy bite or scratch you, even if she’s just playing. Don’t punish her, though: just say ‘No’ in a stern tone. Then, ignore her for a while. She’ll get the hint sooner or later!

Product Choices

While some things, such as cat towers, are fine for any kitty, there are certain products that you’ll need to purchase the kitten-safe versions of. Food falls under that category. Also, avoid clay or clumping litters. Baby felines are a bit clumsy, and can accidentally ingest litter. These types are quite dangerous, as they can cause blockages. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Veterinary Care

Last but certainly not least, you’ll need to bring your tiny furball in to meet (and charm) her new doctor. In addition to a full exam, little Fluffy will need her initial vaccines and parasite control, as well as any necessary boosters. Spay/neuter surgery and microchipping should also be scheduled. (We throw purr checks in for free.)  Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.

Please contact us, your Ruidoso, NM pet clinic, for all of your kitten’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!